Class 12 CS Python Stack Practice Questions

  1. [3,4,5,20,4]
  2. [3,5,20,4,5]
  3. [3,5,20,5]
  4. Error

2.  A School has created a dictionary containing top players and their runs as key value pairs of cricket team. Write a program with separate user defined functions to perform the following operations:
(a)    Push the name of the players(Keys) of the dictionary into a stack, where the corresponding runs (value) is greater than 49.
(b)    Pop and display the content of the stack.
For Example
If dictionary has the following values:
Data={'Rohan':40, 'Rihaan':55, 'Tejas':80,'Ajay':90}
The output should be:

3.  Write a program in Python, with separate user defined functions to perform the following operations on Stack 'City'.
(a) - Push the pin code and name of the city in the stack 'City'
(b) - Display the latest added element in the stack 'City'

4. In a stack, if a user tries to remove an element from empty stack, it is called --------
  1. Empty Collection
  2. Overflow
  3. Underflow
  4. None of these

5  -  Priyanka has created a dictionary 'emeployee_data' containing EmpCode and Salary as key value pairs for 5 Employees of Cyber Intratech. Write a program, With separate user defined function, as mentioned below, to perform the following operations:
(a)  push_emp(): Push all those EmpCode, where the Salary is less than 25000, from the dictionary into a stack 'stk_emp'
(b)  pop_emp(): Remove all the elements from the stack, one at a time, in a Last-In-First-Out(LIFO) manner and displays them. It also displays 'Stack is empty' once all the element have been removed.
For Example:
If the sample content of the dictionary is as follows:
{'E001':15000,'E002':27000,'E003':30000,'E004':15000,'E005':19000}, then the stack 'stk_emp' will contain EmpCode E001, E004, E005 after push_emp(). pop_emp() will pop and display employee record in LIFO fashion and display 'Stack is empty' at last.

6 -  A school stores records of Class XII students using a list that contains multiple lists as its elements. The structure of each such element is [Student_Name, Marks, MainSubject]. Crate user-defined functions to perform the operations as mentioned below:
(a) Push_student(): To push the Student_Name and Marks of all those students, who have Science as MainSubject, into a Stack StudentInfo
(b) Pop_student(): To delete all items (one at a time) from the stack StudentInfo in LIFO order and display them. Also display "Empty Stack" when there are no items remaining in the stack.
For Example:
If the stored information is:
The stack should contain:
The output should be:
Empty Stack

7 - "Stack is a linear data structure which follows a particular order in which the operations are performed"
What is the order in which the operations ae performed in a Stack?
Name the List method/function available in Python which is used to remove the last element from a list implemented stack.
Also write an example using Python statements for removing the last element of the list.

8 - Write a program in Python to input 5 words and push them one by one into a list named All.
The program should then use the function PushNV() to create a stack of words in the list NoVowel so that it store only those words which do not have any vowel present in it, from the list All.
Thereafter, pop each word from the list NoVowel and display the popped word. When the stack is empty display the message 'EmptyStack'.
For Example:
If the words accepted and pushed into the list All are
Then the stack NoVowel should store
And the output should be displayed as

9 - Write a program in Python to input 5 integers into a list named NUM.
The program should then use the function Push3_5() to push all those integers which are divisible by 3 or divisible by 5 from the list NUM into the stack of the list Only3_5.
Thereafter pop each integer from the list Only3_5 and display the popped value. When the list is empty, display the message "StackEmpty".
For Example:
If the integers input into the list NUM are:
Then the stack Only3_5 should store
And the output should be displayed as
30 18 6 10 StackEmpty

10 - Differentiate between Push and Pop operations in the context of stacks.

11 - A dictionary, d_city contains the records in the following format:
Define the following functions with the given specifications:
(a) push_city(d_city): It takes the dictionary as an argument and pushes all the cities in the stack CITY whose states are of more than 4 characters.
(b) pop_city(): This function pops the cities and displays "Stack empty" when there are no more cities in the stack.

12 - Consider a list named Nums which contains random integers.
Write the following user defined functions in Python and perform the specified operations on a stack named BigNums.
(a) PushBig(): It checks every number from the list Nums and pushes all such numbers which have 5 or more digits into the stack BigNums.
(b) PopBig(): It pops the numbers from the stack, BigNums and displays them. The function should also display "Stack Empty" when there are no more numbers left in the stack.
For example:
If the list Nums contains the following data:
Nums = [213, 10025, 167, 254923, 14, 1297653, 31498, 386, 92765]
Then on execution of PushBig(), the stack BigNums should store:
[10025, 254923, 1297653, 31498, 92765]
And on execution of PopBig(), the following output should be displayed:
Stack Empty

13 -  A list contains following record of course details for a University:
[Course_name, Fees, Duration]
Write the following user defined functions to perform given operations on the stack named 'Univ':
(a) Push_element(): To push an object containing the Course_name, Fees, and Duration of a course, which has fee greater than 100000 to the stack.
(b) Pop_element(): To pop the object from the stack and display it. Also, display "Underflow" when there is no element in the stack.
For Example:
If the lists of courses details are:
["MCA", 200000, 3]
["MBA", 500000, 2]
["BA", 100000, 3]
The stack should contain:
["MCA", 200000, 3]
["MBA", 500000, 2]

14  -  Write separate user defined functions for the following:

(a) PUSH(N) : This function accepts a list of names, N as parameter. It then pushes only those names in the stack named OnlyA which contain the letter 'A'
(b) POPA(OnlyA) : This function pops each name from the stack OnlyA and displays it. When the stack is empty, the message "EMPTY" is displayed.
For Example:
If the names in the list N are
Then the stack OnlyA should store
And the output should be displayed as

15 - Write the following user defined functions:
(a) pushEven(N) : This function accepts a list of integers named N as parameter. It then pushes only even numbers into the stack named EVEN.
(b) popEven(EVEN) : This function pops each integer from the stack EVEN and displays the popped value. When the stack is empty, the message "Stack Empty" is displayed.
For Example:
If the list N contains
Then the stack, EVEN should store
And the output should be
4 8 10 Stack Empty

16 - A list contains following record of customer:
[Customer_name, Room_Type]
Write the following user defined function to perform given operations on the stack named 'Hotel':
(a) Push_Cust(): To push customers' names of those who are staying in 'Delux' Room Type.
(b) Pop_Cust(): To pop the names of customers from the stack and display them. Also display "Underflow" when there are no customers in the stack.
For Example:
If the lists with customer details are as follows:

The stack should contain
The output should be

17 - Write a function in Python, Push(Vehicle) where, Vehicle is a dictionary containing details of vehicles - {Car_Name: Maker}
The function should push the name of car manufactured by 'TATA'(including all the possible cases like TaTa, Tata, etc.) to the stack.

For Example:
If the dictionary contains the following data:
Vehicle={"Santro":"Hyundai","Nexon":"TATA", "Safari":"Tata"}
The stack should contain

18 - Given Dictionary Stu_dict containing marks of students for three test series in the form Stu_ID:(TS1,TS2,TS3) as key-value pairs.
Write a Python program with the following user defined functions to perform the specified operations on a stack named Stu_Stk
(a) Push_elements(Stu_Stk, Stu_dict): It allows pushing IDs of those students, from the dictionary Stu_dict into the stack Stu_Stk, Who have scored more than or equal to 80 marks in the TS3 Test.
(b) Pop_elements(Stu_Stk): It removes all elements present inside the stack in LIFO order and prints them. Also, the function displays 'Stack Empty' when there are no elements in the stack.
Call both functions to execute queries.
For example:
If the dictionary Stu_dict contains the following data:
Stu_dict={5:(87,68,89), 10:(57,54,61),12:(71,67,90), 14: (66,81,80), 18:(80,48,91)}
After executing Push_elements(), Stk_ID should contain [5, 12, 14, 18]
After executing Pop_elements(), the output should be:
Stack Empty

19 - A list contains following record of a customer:

[Customer_name, Phone_number, City]

Write the following user defined functions to perform given operations on the stack named 'status':
(a) Push_element(): To push an object containing name and phone number of customers who live in Goa to the stack.
(b) Pop_element(): To pop the objects from the stack and display them. Also, display "Stack Empty" when there are no elements in the stack.

20 - Write a function in Python(SItem) where, SItem is a dictionary containing the details of stationary items - {Sname:Price}.
The function should push the names of those items in the stack who have price greater than 75. Also display the count of elements pushed into the stack.
For example:
If the dictionary contains the following data:
The stack should contain
The output should be
The count of elements in the stack is 2

21 - A list, NList contains following record as list elements:
[City, Country, distance from Delhi]
Each of these records are nested together to form a nested list. Write the following user defined functions in Pythons to perform the specified operations on the stack named travel.
(a) Push_element(NList): It takes the nested list as an argument and pushes a list object containing name of the city and country, which are not in India and distance is less than 3500 km from Delhi.
(b) Pop_element(): It pops the objects from the stack and displays them. Also, the function should display "Stack Empty: when there are no elements in the stack.
For example:
If the nested list contains the following data:
NList=[["New York", "USA",11734],["Naypyidaw","Myanmar", 3219],["Dubai","UAE",2194],["London","England",6693],["Gangtok","India",1580],["Columbo","Sri Lanka",3405]]
The stack should contain:
["Columbo","Sri Lanka"]
The output should be:
["Columbo","Sri Lanka"]
Stack Empty


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