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Computer Science Live Mock Test

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970 learners enrolled

Language: English

Instructors: S P SHARMA SIR

Why this course?


In this test series you will get specially designed Mock Test for DSSSB, HPSC, KVS, NVS, HTET and for all TGT/PGT CS exams. It also include subjectwise mock test. When you join this test series you will get all previous tests and weekly new test.

If you seriously attempt all these test and get 70%+ marks in all test. It increase your selection  possibilities upto 90%.

All the best.

Course Curriculum

How to Use

After a successful purchase, this item will be added to your courses.

You can access your courses in the following ways :

  • For Android devices,
  • Download the "S P SHARMA CLASSES" app from Google Play Store  on your device.
  • The product can be used only on a single device. i.e the mobile device in which you first 'log in', will be registered and lectures can be viewed only through that registered device.
  • Log in to the App, where you can access your library and watch your lectures.
  • 5% Discount on payment using UPI spsharmaclasses@upi and WhatsApp Screenshot on 7048972696



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