KVS PGT CS Syllabus 2022-23
1. Computer Systems and Organisation
1 - Introduction To Number System Decimal To Binary Conversion
2 - Number System Class - 1 (Weighted And Unweighted Code, Binary Tricks)
3 - Number System Class (Conversion And BCD Code)
4 - Excess -3 Code and Complements of code
5 - Number System Class 3 (Missing Base and Terms, Gray Code)
6 - Find Missing Terms
7 - Negative Number Representation
7.1 - Floating Point Representation and Logic Family
8 - DE Booth Algo and Logic Gates
10 - DE - XOR, XNOR Practice
11 - DE Gate Conversation
12 - DE Boolean Algebra Part 1
13 - DE Digital Electronics Simplification of Boolean Expression
14 - DE Canonical Form of Boolean Expression
15 - DE Dual, Self Dual and Complement of a Boolean Expression
16 - DE K - MAP
17 - Implicants in K-Map and Logic Families
2. Introduction to Computer System
1 - New - Computer Introduction
2 - New - Keyboard layout and types
3 - New - Mouse Types, PS2, USB
4 - New - Processing Devices
5 - New - Primary Storage Device
6 - New - Bihar Board Paper Discussion
7 - New - Secondary Storage Device
8 - New - Output Devices, Printer
9 - New - Output Devices - 2
10 - New - History of Computer
11 - New - Types of computer
12 - New - Introduction to Software
13 - New - Types of Software
14 - New - Introduction to Unix and Linux OS
15 - FOC - MS - DOS Commands
FOC 16 MS DOS Commands
16 - Fundamentals of Computers Notes
17 - Encoding Scheme
18 - Classification of Programming Language
19 - Microprocessor
3. Society, Law and Ethics
3.1 - Digital Footprints, Netiquettes, IPR
3.1 - Digital Footprints, net etiquettes, IPR Notes
3.2 - FOSS, CC, GPL
3.2 - Infringement & Software Licensing Notes
3.3 - Cyber Crime, DoS, DDoS, Hackers
3.4 - Phishing, Pharming, Sniffing
3.4 - Phishing, Pharming, Sniffing, Eavesdropping, Bots etc Notes
3.5 - Active and Passive Cyber Attacks, Ransomeware
3.5 - Types of Cyber Attacks Notes
3.6 - Cyber Security (Malware and Virus)
3.7 - Cyber Security, Worms, Trojan Horse, Spam etc.
3.8 - List of Virus, Antivirus, Cyber Attack, Identity Theft, Hackers, Crackers etc
3.8 - Malware, Viruses, Trojans, Adware Notes
3.6-3.8 - Malware - Virus, Worm, Trojan REVISION
3.9 - Cyber Safety, Cookies
3.10 - Difference Between Cyber Bullying, Cyber Stalking and Cyber Trolls, E-Waste Management
3.11 - IT Act 2000
Vol 3 - Socity, Law and Ethics Complete Notes
4. Emerging Trends
4.1 - AI and Machine Learning
4.2 - ML and NLP
4.3 - Immersive Experience, Augmented and Virtual Reality
4.4 - Robotics, Big Data, IoT, Smart Cities
4.5 - Introduction to Cloud Computing
4.6 - Grid and Utility Computing
4.7 - Block Chain Technology
4.8 - What is Blockchain and How It Works
1 - AI, ML, NLP
2 - Immersive Experience
3 - Big data, IoT, Sensors, Smart Cities
4 - Cloud Computing and Cloud Services
5 - Grid Computing, Block chain technology
6 - Emerging Trends Assignments
Vol 3 - Emerging Trends
5. Societal Impacts
1 - Societal Impacts Notes - 1
Chapter 5 All Topics Cover in Chapter 3
6. Computer Networks
1 - Introduction And Type Of Network
2 - WWW, ISP, URL, DNS Tec.
3 - Server And Topology
4 - Network Model
5 - OSI Model Layers
6 - Application And Presentation Layer Protocol
7 - Protocols and MAC Address
8 - Network Device (Repeater, Hub, Bridge, Switch, Router)
9 - Modem, AM, FM, PM
10 - RJ-11, RJ-45, Twisted Pair And Coaxial Cable
11 - Fiber Optics, Unguided Media (Radio Wave, Microwave, Infrared)
12 - Hamming Weight, Hamming Distance, Hamming Rate
13 - Error Detection Techniques
14 - CRC, Bit Rate, Baud Rate
15 - Bit Rate, Baud Rate Questions, Nyquist And Shannon Theorem
16 - IP4, Range, Host ID, Network ID
17 - Subnet Mask, CIDR
18 - Subnet, Broadcast, Host ID Questions
19 - What is IPv6 & its Notation
20 - Switching Technology
21 - X.25, Frame Relay, STP, RSTP
22 - Token Ring
23 - Mobile Computing
24 - Topology, Cable Layout, Placement of repeater, hub_switch, Network Type, Case Study based Question
25 - Networks Complete Notes PDF
Networking Fundamentals
Network Devices
Bandwidth, Bit Rate, Baud Rate, Switching, Email, URL, Domain
Networking case study based questions
Networking Practice Qus
Digital Footprint, IPR, Netiquette and Cyber Crime
7. Introduction to web services:
1 - Web, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0
2 - Web Designing - Browser Setting
3 - Web Designing - Add-ons, Plug-ins and Categories of Tags
4 - Web Designing - Heading and Font Tags
5 - Web Designing - Formatting and Phrase Tags
6 - Web Designing - Anchor Tag
7 - Web Designing - List in HTML
8 - Web Designing - Table, HR, Comments in HTML
9 - Web Designing Form in HTML
10 - XML - 1
11 - XML - 2
12 - XML - 3
13 - XML - 4
14 - XML - 5
8. Database Management
1 - Introduction to DBMS and MySql
2 - Introduction to SQL
3 - DBMS Tutorial Sql Queries
4 - SQL Queries - In , Between, Or , And, Not Etc
5 - SQL Limit, Like, Aggregate Function
6 - SQL Group by, Having, Subquery and String Function
7 - Numeric Function In SQL
8 - SQL Constraints - NOT NULL, Unique, Primary Key, Default, Check
9 - DBMS - SQL Constraints - Foreign Key, on update cascade, on delete cascade, super key
9. Database concepts and the Structured Query Language
10 - DBMS - Backup and Restore MySql Database, Create table from another table
11 - SQL Join (Natural Join, Inner Join, Equi Join, Outer Join, Semi Join, Anti Join)
12 - Null function, show user details, auto increment and view
13 - case, date and time function in sql
14 - ACID Properties and State of transaction, create new user, change password, grant, revoke
15-Transaction in MySql - TCL
16 - Practice (MCQ, T_F and Fill in the blanks) of MySql, Level of Abstraction and Schema
17 - Database Terms and ER Diagram
18 - Types of Arguments and MySql Python Connectivity
10.Database Query using SQL
All Topics of Chapter 10 already Covered in Chapter - 9
11.Computational Thinking and Programming
1 - Core Python
2 - Core Python
3 - Core Python
4 - Core Python
5 - Core Python
6 - Core Python
7 - Core Python
8 - Core Python
1 - Python - Introduction To Python
2 - How To Download, Install And Setup Python
3 - Operators In Python
4 - Concept Of Modulus Operator In Python
5 - Assignment, In Place And Bitwise Operators In Pytho
6 - Comparison, Logical And Identity Operators In Python
7 - Membership Operators, Operator Precedence And Associativity
8 - Python Implementation, IDE and Framework
9-Identifiers In Python, Role Of Underscore In Identifiers
10 - Types of Variables in Python
11-Core Data Types Assignments
12-Numeric Data Types Assignments
13-Bitwise Operator Assignments
14 - Boolean and String Formatting Assignment
15-Use Of %F,%E And %G
16 - Use of %d, %f, %o, %x, %X,%E in Python
17 - format function in Python
18 - Data Types, Mutable and Immutable Types in Python
19 - Type casting and Comments in Python
20 - input, print and eval functions in python
21 - Flow of Execution in Python
22 - Concept of if, elif and else
23 - Leap Year, Calculator and Voting Eligibility Program in Python
24 - Telephone Bill and Grade Program in Python
25 - Number of digits and Order of three Numbers Program in Python
26 - Loops in Python, range() function in Python
27 - find the factorial of a number and print the Fibonacci series in python
28 - Pattern Printing in Python using nested loop
29 - Pattern Printing in Python
30 - break, continue and pass keyword in python
31 - Prime No, while loop, sum and product of digits
32 - Armstrong Number Program in Python
33- Introduction to List and Its Indexing
34 - Operation on List
35 - Functions of List
36 - List Slicing, Functions and Methods
37 - List Function and Methods Part 2
38 - Tuple in Python
39 - Dictionary in Python
40 - Functions and Methods of Dictionary
41 - Python String
42 - String Slicing in Python
43 - String Methods
44 - Bubble Sort in Python
45- Insertion Sort in Python
46 - Built in Function in Python
47- Modules and Functions
48- Modules in Python
49- Modules in Python - 3
50 - User Defined Functions
51 - Types of Arguments
52 - main() function, passing list in a function
53 - Searching in Python
54 - Python Libraries
55 - Python Libraries
56 - Exception Handling in Python Part - 1
57 - Exception Handling in Python Part 2 (finally, raise and assert in Python)
12.Computational Thinking and Programming – 2
1 - Introduction To Data File Handling(DFH) in Python
2 - DFH in Python - File Mode
3 - DFH (Reading Data From File) in Python
4 - DFH (Writing to File) in Python
5- Reading and Writing data to and from Binary File in Python
6 - Create a binary file (Write and read multiple data) in Python
7 - Std File Stream and Programs in Python
8 - tell() and seek() in file in Python
9 - CSV File in Python
10 - Read the contents of CSV File in Python
11 - Write the content in CSV file in Python
12 - Introduction To Data Structure in Python
13 - Stack in Python
14 - Emp, Book and Students Record in Stack in Python
15 - Polish Notation in Stack in Python
13.Introduction to Python
Chapter 13 all contents are already cover in chapter 11
14.Data Handling using Pandas
14.1 - Introduction to Python Pandas and Data Visualization
14.1 - Introduction to matplotlib - pdf
14.2 - Line Chart in matplotlib
14.2 - Line Chart in matplotlib PDF
14.3 - Line Chart - 2
14.3 - Line Chart in matplotlib - 2 PDF
14.4 - Chart Axis, Ticks and Title Formatting
14.4 - Chart Labels, Ticks and Axis Formatting PDF
14.5 - Why use numpy in matplotlib, Bar Chart
14.5 - Numpy function and Bar Chart
14.6 - Bar Chart and Subplot
14.7 - Chart from CSV File and Histogram
14.8 - Histogram
14.8 - Histogram Practice PDF
14.9.1 - Introduction to Python Series - New
14.9.2 - IP (Introduction And Installing of Pandas)
14.9.3 - IP (Series in Pandas)
14.9.1-3 - Introduction to Pandas Series PDF
14.10.1 - Series data and index - New
14.10.2 - Pandas Series (Data and Index) - Old
14.10 - Series data and index PDF (1-2)
14.11.1 - Access Series Elements - New
14.11.2 - IP - Creating Series using List and Scalar
14.11 - Access Series Elements PDF (1-2)
14.12.1 - Series naming, head(), tail() and Attributes - New
14.12.2 - Naming a Series and Creating Series using mathematical expression in Python Pandas
14.2.3- Pandas Series Attributes
14.2.4 - head() and tail() methods of Pandas Series
14.12 - Series Naming, head, tail and Attributes PDF (1-4)
14.13 - Weekly Test Discussion - Vector Operation on Series
14.14 - Important Qus of Pandas Series
14.14 - Series Operation and Sorting PDF
14.15 - Series Sorting and Introduction to DataFrame
14.15 - Introduction to DataFrame PDF
14.16 - DataFrame Using Series, Sorting in DataFrame
14.16 - DataFrame using Series and Sorting in DataFrame PDF
14.17 - Attributes of DataFrame
14.17 - Attributes of DataFrame PDF
14.18 - Accessing and adding rows and columns in DataFrame
14.18 - Access Data from DataFrame PDF
14.19 - Add, remove row and columns, Boolean Indexing in DataFrame
14.19 - Add remove row and columns Boolean Indexing PDF
14.20 - Boolean Operation, min(), max(), mode(), mean(), median()
14.20 - Binary and Stattistics Operations on DF
14.21 - count(), sum(), head(), tail(), missing values Methods of DF
14.21 - count(), sum(), head(), tail(), missing values Methods of DF PDF
14.22 - quantile, std deviation, variance in DataFrame
14.22 - Statistics and Cumulative Methods of DF
14.23,24 - Import Export CSV and DataFrame, Combining DataFrame
14.23 - DataFrame with CSV PDF
14.24 - Merge and Join DataFrame PDF
CS Books PDF
1 - NCERT CS Class 11 Book Intro
2 - NCERT CS Class 11 Book Chapter - 1
3 - NCERT CS Class 11 Book Chapter - 2
4 - NCERT CS Class 11 Book Chapter - 3
5- NCERT CS Class 11 Book Chapter - 4
6- NCERT CS Class 11 Book Chapter - 5
7- NCERT CS Class 11 Book Chapter - 6
8- NCERT CS Class 11 Book Chapter - 7
9- NCERT CS Class 11 Book Chapter - 8
10- NCERT CS Class 11 Book Chapter - 9
11- NCERT CS Class 11 Book Chapter - 10
12- NCERT CS Class 11 Book Chapter - 11
13 - Class 11 CS Term 2 Notes
12 CS Sumita Arora Book PDF
IP Books PDF
1 - NCERT IP Class 11 Book Intro
2 - NCERT IP Class 11 Book Chapter - 1
3 - NCERT IP Class 11 Book Chapter - 2
5 - NCERT IP Class 11 Book Chapter - 4
6 - NCERT IP Class 11 Book Chapter - 5
7 - NCERT IP Class 11 Book Chapter - 6
8 - NCERT IP Class 11 Book Chapter - 7
9 - NCERT IP Class 11 Book Chapter - 8
10 - Class 11 IP Term 2 Notes.pdf
Sample Papers PDF
1 - 12 CS CBSE PYQ
2 - 12 IP CBSE PYQ
KVS PGT CS 2023 Video Explanation
EMRS Dec 2023 PGT CS Video Solution
Perspectives on Education and Leadership
(a) - Understanding the Learner
1 - Understanding the Learner PDF by Ritu Maa'm
Class - 01 - KVS Notes and Videos - Pedagogy - Concept of growth, maturation and development
1- Childhood and Growing Up
2- Erik Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development
3-Mnemonics of all theory of childhood and growing up
4-Short Trick to learn Theory of Multiple Intelligence
(b) - Understanding Teaching Learning
1- Learning And Teaching Important Questions with Trick
2 - What is Teaching
3 - What is Learning, Difference Between Teaching and Learning
(c) - Creating Conducive Learning Environment
1 - Bloom Texonomy Easiest Way to Learn
2 - Flander interaction analysis easiest way 16 marks sure
(d) - School Organization and Leadership
1 - Creating an Inclusive School MCQ
(e) - Perspectives in Education
1- Three Language Formula
2-Right to Education Act 2009
KVS PGT Pedagogy Book
PDF Notes
KVS PGT Pedagogy - 1
KVS Study Guide Books-1
KVS Education Leadership Book
CTET Child Develop Pedagogy Book
NCERT 11th CS New 2019
Sumita Arora 12 CS Book PDF
Networks Complete Notes
IP Class 12 Sample Papers
CS Class 12 Sample Papers
Matplotlib 1-5
CLASS 12 CS KVS Support Material
12_IP-Study Material Term-I
CS_Final_XII (2)
QP XII Computer Science (1)
KVS Support Material - Jaipur
11 CS Sumita Arora Book PDF
CBSE CS term 1 2021-22
CS term2 2021-22
Vol 3 - Computer Network Notes Set - 1
Vol 3 - Socity, Law and Ethics Complete
23 - Python - 2
26-Answer Key-2022
Preview - KVS and EMRS PGT CS - Recorded Batch
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