C Language
1- Introduction to C Language
2 - Compilation, getch(), getche(), getchar() In C Language
3- Tokens in C language
4 - char, int and Operators in C language
5 - Incr. Decr. Logical, Bitwise etc Operators In Language
6 - Operator Precedence and Associativity in C
7 - Format Specifier For Reading And Writing In C
8 - Conditional Statements in C
9 - Switch case and goto statements in C
10 - Looping in C (break, continue, exit(0))
11 - Return values by scanf(), printf() etc
12 - 1 D and 2 D Array in C Langauge
13 - Pointer and Its Type in C Language
14 - const in Pointer
15 - Char Array and char Pointer, String in C
16 - String function, Reference Variable and Introduction to function in C
17 - Function overloading and storage classes in C
18 - Structure in C Language
19 - Union, enum and preprocessor in C
20 - Preprocessor Directives in C Language
21 - Data File Handling in C
C++ Language
1 - Introduction to C++ Language & OOPS
2 - Concepts of OOPS
3 - Class and Objects in C++
4 - Constructor in C++
5 - Inheritance in C++
6 - Destructor & Virtual Function in C++
7 - Virtual Destructor , Pure Virtual, Friend and Inline Function
8 - Scope Resolution Operator in C++
9 - Data File Handling in C++ Part - 1
10- Data File Handling in C++ Part 2
11 - tellg(), tellp(), seekg() seekp() in C++ DFH
12 - namespace and template in c++
1 - Introduction to Java, Java Tutorial, Core Java Tutorial
2 - Java Program Structure, Difference between C++ and Java
3 - JDK, JRE, JVM in Java
4 - Data Types and Variables in Java
5 - Basics Of Java - Keyword, Identifiers And Operators
6 - Array Construction in Java
7 - Java Array and Comments
8 - Types of Methods in Java
9 - static and this in java
10 - String in Java
11 - String Methods in Java
12 - Java String Method Part - 2
13 - Aggregation and Access Specifiers in Java
14 - Java Packages
15 - abstraction in java
16 - Interface in Java
17 - Method Overriding in Java
1 - Python - Introduction To Python
2 - How To Download, Install And Setup Python
3 - Operators In Python
4 - Concept Of Modulus Operator In Python
5 - Assignment, In Place And Bitwise Operators In Pytho
6 - Comparison, Logical And Identity Operators In Python
7 - Membership Operators, Operator Precedence And Associativity
8 - Python Implementation, IDE and Framework
9-Identifiers In Python, Role Of Underscore In Identifiers
10 - Types of Variables in Python
11-Core Data Types Assignments
12-Numeric Data Types Assignments
13-Bitwise Operator Assignments
14 - Boolean and String Formatting Assignment
15-Use Of %F,%E And %G
16 - Use of %d, %f, %o, %x, %X,%E in Python
17 - format function in Python
18 - Data Types, Mutable and Immutable Types in Python
19 - Type casting and Comments in Python
20 - input, print and eval functions in python
21 - Flow of Execution in Python
22 - Concept of if, elif and else
23 - Leap Year, Calculator and Voting Eligibility Program in Python
24 - Telephone Bill and Grade Program in Python
25 - Number of digits and Order of three Numbers Program in Python
26 - Loops in Python, range() function in Python
27 - find the factorial of a number and print the Fibonacci series in python
28 - Pattern Printing in Python using nested loop
29 - Pattern Printing in Python
30 - break, continue and pass keyword in python
31 - Prime No, while loop, sum and product of digits
32 - Armstrong Number Program in Python
33- Introduction to List and Its Indexing
34 - Operation on List
35 - Functions of List
36 - List Slicing, Functions and Methods
37 - List Function and Methods Part 2
38 - Tuple in Python
39 - Dictionary in Python
40 - Functions and Methods of Dictionary
41 - Python String
42 - String Slicing in Python
43 - String Methods
44 - Bubble Sort in Python
45- Insertion Sort in Python
46 - Built in Function in Python
47- Modules and Functions
48- Modules in Python
49- Modules in Python - 3
50 - User Defined Functions
51 - Types of Arguments
52 - main() function, passing list in a function
53 - Searching in Python
54 - Python Libraries
55 - Python Libraries
Preview - Programming (C, C++, JAVA, Python)
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