1 - C Language
1- Introduction to C Language
2 - Compilation, getch(), getche(), getchar() In C Language
3- Tokens in C language
4 - char, int and Operators in C language
5 - Incr. Decr. Logical, Bitwise etc Operators In Language
6 - Operator Precedence and Associativity in C
7 - Format Specifier For Reading And Writing In C
8 - Conditional Statements in C
9 - Switch case and goto statements in C
10 - Looping in C (break, continue, exit(0))
11 - Return values by scanf(), printf() etc
12 - 1 D and 2 D Array in C Langauge
13 - Pointer and Its Type in C Language
14 - const in Pointer
15 - Char Array and char Pointer, String in C
16 - String function, Reference Variable and Introduction to function in C
17 - Function overloading and storage classes in C
18 - Structure in C Language
19 - Union, enum and preprocessor in C
20 - Preprocessor Directives in C Language
21 - Data File Handling in C
2 - C++ Language
1 - Introduction to C++ Language & OOPS
2 - Concepts of OOPS
3 - Class and Objects in C++
4 - Constructor in C++
5 - Inheritance in C++
6 - Destructor & Virtual Function in C++
7 - Virtual Destructor , Pure Virtual, Friend and Inline Function
8 - Scope Resolution Operator in C++
9 - Data File Handling in C++ Part - 1
10- Data File Handling in C++ Part 2
11 - tellg(), tellp(), seekg() seekp() in C++ DFH
12 - namespace and template in c++
3 - Python Language
1 - Python - Introduction To Python
2 - How To Download, Install And Setup Python
3 - Operators In Python
4 - Concept Of Modulus Operator In Python
5 - Assignment, In Place And Bitwise Operators In Pytho
6 - Comparison, Logical And Identity Operators In Python
7 - Membership Operators, Operator Precedence And Associativity
8 - Python Implementation, IDE and Framework
9-Identifiers In Python, Role Of Underscore In Identifiers
10 - Types of Variables in Python
11-Core Data Types Assignments
12-Numeric Data Types Assignments
13-Bitwise Operator Assignments
14 - Boolean and String Formatting Assignment
15-Use Of %F,%E And %G
16 - Use of %d, %f, %o, %x, %X,%E in Python
17 - format function in Python
18 - Data Types, Mutable and Immutable Types in Python
19 - Type casting and Comments in Python
20 - input, print and eval functions in python
21 - Flow of Execution in Python
22 - Concept of if, elif and else
23 - Leap Year, Calculator and Voting Eligibility Program in Python
24 - Telephone Bill and Grade Program in Python
25 - Number of digits and Order of three Numbers Program in Python
26 - Loops in Python, range() function in Python
27 - find the factorial of a number and print the Fibonacci series in python
28 - Pattern Printing in Python using nested loop
29 - Pattern Printing in Python
30 - break, continue and pass keyword in python
31 - Prime No, while loop, sum and product of digits
32 - Armstrong Number Program in Python
33- Introduction to List and Its Indexing
34 - Operation on List
35 - Functions of List
36 - List Slicing, Functions and Methods
37 - List Function and Methods Part 2
38 - Tuple in Python
39 - Dictionary in Python
40 - Functions and Methods of Dictionary
41 - Python String
42 - String Slicing in Python
43 - String Methods
44 - Bubble Sort in Python
45- Insertion Sort in Python
46 - Built in Function in Python
47- Modules and Functions
48- Modules in Python
49- Modules in Python - 3
50 - User Defined Functions
51 - Types of Arguments
52 - main() function, passing list in a function
53 - Searching in Python
54 - Python Libraries
55 - Python Libraries
4 - Java Language
1 - Introduction to Java, Java Tutorial, Core Java Tutorial
2 - Java Program Structure, Difference between C++ and Java
3 - JDK, JRE, JVM in Java
4 - Data Types and Variables in Java
5 - Basics Of Java - Keyword, Identifiers And Operators
6 - Array Construction in Java
7 - Java Array and Comments
8 - Types of Methods in Java
9 - static and this in java
10 - String in Java
11 - String Methods in Java
12 - Java String Method Part - 2
13 - Aggregation and Access Specifiers in Java
14 - Java Packages
15 - abstraction in java
16 - Interface in Java
17 - Method Overriding in Java
18 - Exception handing in Java
19 - Nested try and finally block in Java Exception
20 - Custom exception and throws in java
21 - Input from User in Java
22 - Multithreading in Java
23 - Thread class methods in Java
24 - Multithreading Methods - 2 in Java
25 - Introduction to JDBC
26 - How to Create JDBC Connection with MySql in Netbeans 12, Java ANT, Java Maven etc
27 - Types of Statements in Java
28 - File Handling in Java
29 - Java Collection
5 - DBMS
1 - DBMS - Introduction to DBMS and Functional Dependency (राजस्थान कंप्यूटर अनुदेशक - Class 1)
2 - DBMS (Closure Set of Attributes, Super Key, Candidates Keys and Primary Key)
3 - DBMS ( How to Find the Candidate Keys of a Relation)
4 - Normal Form (1 NF, 2 NF, 3 NF, BCNF)
5 - Normalization Qus and 4 NF
6 - Lossless and Lossy Decomposition in DBMS
7 - Transaction State and Transaction Properties
8 - Schedules in DBMS
9 - Conflict and View Serializability Practice Questions
10 - Concurrency Problems and Non-Serializable Schedule
11 - Recoverable Schedule and Concurrency Control Protocols
12 - Timestamp and Validation Based Protocols, Primary Indexing
13 - Indexing Numerical, Secondary, Clustering and Multiple Indexing
14 - Database Terminology - Instance and Schema
15 - Database Model - Hierarchical, Network, Relational, E-R Model
16 - DBMS (E-R Diagram Components And Relationship)
17 - Converting E-R Diagram into Tables
18 - Introduction To Relational Algebra Operators
19 - Union, Intersection, Minus, Rename, Division Operators of Relational Algebra
20 - Relational Calculus And It's Type
21 - Introduction to SQL - DML, DDL, DQL, TCL, DCL, Data Types etc
22 - SQL Queries - select, insert where, delete, drop, truncate, update etc.
23 - SQL Queries - in , between, or , and, not etc
24 - SQL limit, like, aggregate function
25 - SQL Group by, Having, Subquery and String Function
26 - Numeric function in SQL
27 - SQL Constraints - NOT NULL, Unique, primary key, default, check
28 - SQL Join (Natural Join, Inner Join, Equi Join, Outer Join, Semi Join, Anti Join)
29 - SQL Constraints - Foreign Key, on update cascade, on delete cascade, super key
30 - Backup and Restore MySql Database, Create table from another table
31 - Null function, show user details, auto increment and view
32 - case, date and time function in sql, database transaction
33 - ACID Properties and State of transaction, create new user, change password, grant, revoke
34-Transaction in MySql - TCL
35 - Practice (MCQ, T_F and Fill in the blanks) of MySql, Level of Abstraction and Schema
36 - Data Warehouse, OLAP, OLTP, Data Mining and Data Mart
37 - OLTP Vs OLAP, Data WareHouse
1 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
2 - Types of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and AI Agent
3 - Uninformed (Blind) Search Algorithms in Artificial Intelligence
4 - Informed (Heuristic) Search Algorithms in Artificial Intelligence
5 - A_ Algorithm in AI
6 - Techniques of Knowledge Representation in AI
7 - Machine Learning Life Cycle
8 - How to read, create a data set or data frame and attributes of data frame in Machine Learning
9 - Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
10 - Linear Regression Model in Machine Learning
11 - How to plot regression line and other charts in Machine Learning
12 - NLP (Natural Language Processing)
14- ANN (Artificial Neural Network) in AI
15- Cloud Computing
16 - Grid and Utility Computing
17 - Introduction AI Practical and Project
18 - AI practical Pictoblox in Mobile
7 - Data and Computer Network
1 - Introduction And Type Of Network
2 - WWW, ISP, URL, DNS Tec.
3 - Server And Topology
4 - Network Model
5 - OSI Model Layers
6 - Application And Presentation Layer Protocol
7 - Protocols and MAC Address
8 - Network Device (Repeater, Hub, Bridge, Switch, Router)
9 - Modem, AM, FM, PM
10 - RJ-11, RJ-45, Twisted Pair And Coaxial Cable
11 - Fiber Optics, Unguided Media (Radio Wave, Microwave, Infrared)
12 - ALOHA
13 - ALOHA (Pure And Slotted Aloha Questions)
14 - CSMA_CD And Multiplexing
15 - Reservation, Token Passing, Polling, ARQ
16 - ARQ And Hamming Code
17 - Hamming Weight, Hamming Distance, Hamming Rate
18 - Error Detection Techniques
19 - CRC, Bit Rate, Baud Rate
20 - Bit Rate, Baud Rate Questions, Nyquist And Shannon Theorem
21 - IP4, Range, Host ID, Network ID
22 - Subnet Mask, CIDR
23 - Subnet, Broadcast, Host ID Questions
24 - What is IPv6 & its Notation
25 - Switching Technology
26 - X.25, Frame Relay, STP, RSTP
27 - Token Ring
28 - Mobile Computing
1- Encryption And Its Types
2 - Practice Problem on Encryption
3 - RSA Algorithm And Transmission Impairment
4 - Cyber Security (Malware And Virus)
5 - Cyber Security, Worms, Trojan Horse, Spam etc.
6 - List Of Virus, Antivirus, Cyber Attack, Identity Theft, Hackers, Crackers Etc
7 - Cyber Scams, Biometrics, Crowdsourcing
8 - Net Neutrality, Botnet, Web Beacons And Mobile Communication
1 - BOC - Types of Communication and Capacity of Channel
1.1 - BOC PDF
2 - BOC - Communication Impairments
3 - BOC - EM Waves in Free Space
4 - BOC - PCM and DM
5 - BOC - Multiplexing, GSM, CDMA
9 - Fundamentals of Computer
1 - Introduction to Computer
3 - Parts of Computer
4 - Storage Devices
5 - What is PS2 Port, Hot and Cold Booting
6- Disable blue arrows icon on folders and files in Windows 10
FOC PDF - 2, 3
FOC PDF - 10
10 - MS - Office
1 - Introduction To MS - Office And MS - Word
2 - General Computer - MS Word Formatting Options
3 - General Computer - MS-Word Office Button, Bullet and Numbering
4 - Style, Find and Replace in MS Word
5 - Table, Picture, Clip Art and Shape in MS-Word
6 - Smart Art, Chart and Header and Footer in MS - Word
7 - Insert and Page Layout Tab in MS - Word
8 - Reference, Mailing and View Tab in MS - Word
9 - Introduction to Excel
10 - Relative and absolute addresses in ms excel
11 - How to Generate Random Data in Excel
12 - Countif in Excel
13 - Logical Formulae in Excel
14 - Excel Overview
15 - Text Formula in Excel
16 - MS Access Query and Macro
11 - Data Structure
1 - New DS - Introduction to DS and Algorithm
2 - New DS - Types of Algorithms
2.1 - Types of Algo
3 - Types of Algo Part 2
3.1 - Types of Algo
4 - New DS - Asymptotic Notation
5 - New DS - Asymptotic notation part 2
6 - New DS - Recurrence Function - Master Theorem
6.1 - DS New - Master Theorem Assignment
7 - DS New - Linear and Binary Search
7.1 - Searching PDF
8 - New DS - Introduction to Sorting Algo, Bubble Sort
9 - New DS - Quick Sort Algo
10 - New DS - Radix, Bucket and Counting Sort
11 - New DS - Selection and Insertion Sort
12 - New DS - Merge Sort
13 - New DS - Address Calculation in Array
13.1 - Array Address Calculation Questions PDF
14 - New DS - Linked List
15 - New DS - Types of Linked List
16.1 - Reverse a singly linked list
16.2 - Linked List Practice Problems (1)
16.3 - Linked List MCQ
17 - New DS - Introduction to Stack
18 - New DS - Polish Notation in Stack
18.1 - Polish Notation in Stack
19 - New DS - Introduction to Queue
20 - New DS - Types of Queue
20.1 - Queue MCQ
21 - New DS - Queue MCA & Hashing Introduction
21.1 - Hashing MCQ
22 - New DS - Open Addressing in Hashing
22.1 - Hashing Assignment
23 - New DS - Introduction to Binary Tree
23.1 - Tree MCQ PDF
24 - Types of Binary Tree
25 - New DS - Tree Traversals (In-order, Pre-Order, Post-Order)
26 - New DS - AVL Tree
27 - New DS - Insertion in AVL, Splay Tree
28 - New DS - Insertion in Red Black Tree
29 - New DS - B Tree
30 - New DS - Heapify and Heap Sort
31 - New DS - Binomial and Fibonacci Heap
32 - New DS - Introduction to Graph, Degree of Vertex
33 - New DS - Graph Representation - MST
34 - New DS - Prim's , Kruksal, BFS, DFS in Graph
35 - New DS - Shortest Path Algo
36 - New DS - Bigraph, Eulerian Graph etc
37 - New DS - BackTracking - N - Queen, M - Coloring etc
38 - New DS - Fractional Knapsack Problem
39 - New DS - Huffman Coding, LCS
40 - New DS - P, NP, NP - Hard Problem
DS 1 Introduction to DS
DS 2 Address Calculation in Array
DS 3 Heap & Tree
DS 4 Binary Tree and Its Types - Data Structure
DS 5 Graph & Spanning Tree
DS 6 Selection Sort
DS 7 MST Shortest Path
DS 8 String Matching Eulerian Graph
DS 9 Hashing
DS 10 Rehashing and degree of graph
DS 11 Pre, In and Post Order
DS 12 Asymptotic Notation
13 - DS Asymptotic Notation Part 2
14 - Row Major and Column Major Array Address
15 - Stack and Polish Notation
16 - Queue in DS
17 - BST and AVL in Data Structure
18 - Graph and Degree of Vertex
19 - Hashing with Chaining and Open Addressing
20 - Fractional Knapsack Problem
21 - 0-1 Knapsack, N Queen, Backtracking
22 - Heap Data Structure
23- Recurrence in DS (Iteration and master method)
24 - Introduction to Graph
12 - Digital Electronics
1 - Number System Class - 1 (Weighted And Unweighted Code, Binary Tricks)
2 - Number System Class 2 (Conversion and BCD Code)
3 - Number System Class 3 (Missing Base and Terms, Gray Code)
4 - Excess -3 Code and Complements of code
5 - Find Missing Base
6 - Find Missing Terms
7 - Negative Number Representation
8 DE Booth Algorithm
9 DE Boolean Algebra Part 1
10 DE Digital Electronics Simplification of Boolean Expression
11 DE Canonical Form of Boolean Expression
12 DE Dual, Self Dual and Complement of a Boolean Expression
13 DE Adder and Subtractor in Digital Electronics
14 DE Cominational and Seq Circuit
15 DE FLIP FLOP Concept of Digital Electronics PART 1
16 - SR Flip Flop in Digital Electronics
17 - JK and D Flip Flop
18 - T & Master-Slave Flip Flop, Flip Flop Conversion
19 - Counter (Synch and Asynch)
20 - Counter Practice Questions
21 - Asynchrouns Counter, UP, Down, Modulus, Decade, Ring, Johnson Counter
22 - Registers in Digital Electronics
13 - Computer System Architecture
1-CPU Registers, Buses and Instruction Format
2-Addressing Mode
3-Calculate EA and AC Content, RISC, CISC
4-Addressing Mode Assignment - 1
5-Addressing Mode Assignment - 2
6-CSA Terminology
7-Instruction Pipelining
8-Dependencies and Hazards in Pipelining
10-Introduction to Interrupts
11- IO Interface and DMA
12 - Cache Memory in Computer Organisation
13 - Cache Mapping, Direct, Associative and Set Associative Cache
14 - Software Engineering
1 - Introduction to SE (Software Engineering)
1.1 - Introduction to SE Notes
2 - SE - Introduction to SDLC
3 - SE - Waterfall, Iterative and Prototype Model
4 - Spiral Model
5.1 - Practices Problems on Spiral Model
5.2 - V Model in Software Engineering
5.3 - Big Bang, Incremental and RAD Model
5.4 - Spiral, V, Incremental, Bing Bang, RAD - MODEL Notes
6 - Agile Model in SE
6.1 - Agile Model Notes
7 - VCS in SE
8 - COCOMO Model
8.1 - Parato-COCOMO-VCS Qus PDF
9 - Project Forking, Cloning and CMM
9.1 - CMM Qus PDF
10 - Testing in SE
10.1 - Testing PPT
11 - Alpha, Beta Testing and Test Matric
12 - Cohesion and Coupling
12.1 - Cohesion and coupling PPT
13 - Cyclomatic Complexity and UML
14 - Use Case Diagram in UML
15 - How to Create Use Case Diagram (Examples)
16 - Requirement Gathering Techniques
17 - Reengineering, Refactoring, Design Pattern
17 - Software Reengineering, refactoring ppt
18 - 06 March Weekly Test of Software Engg. Doubt Session
15 - SAD
1 - SAD - System and its Types
2 - CPM (Critical Path Method)
3 - PERT Chart in SAD
4 - Gantt, HIPO Chart, Decision Tree and Table
SAD Assignment
5 - DFD and Compiler Design in SAD
6 - Phases of Compiler - SAD
7 - SAD Assignment Discussion
16 - Operating System
1 - New OS - Introduction to OS
2 - New OS - Types of OS, Spooling
3 - New OS - Real Time OS, CPU Utilization
4 - New OS - Process State
5 - New OS - FCFS Algo
6 - New OS - SJF, SRTF
7 - New OS - LRTF, Priority Algo
8 - New OS - Round Robin Algo
9 - New OS - HRRN Algo
10 - New OS - Multilevel Queue Scheduling
10.1 - Scheduling MCQ
11 - New OS - Thread in OS
12 - New OS - Practice Question
12-1 - OS MCQ
13 - New OS - System Calls in OS
14 - New OS - System Calls Part - 2
15 - New OS - Critical Section
16 - NEW OS - Semaphore in OS
17 - New OS - Counting Sempaphore
18 - New OS - Introduction to Deadlock
19 - New OS - Deadlock Handling Strategies
20 - New OS - Banker's Algo
21 - New OS - Deadlock Practice Qus
22 - New OS - Process Synch Problems
23 - New OS - Introduction to Memory Management
24 - New OS - Static and Dynamic Partitioning Algo
25 - New OS - Paging, PMT
26 - New OS - Paging Practice Qus
27 - New OS - Page Table Practice Qus
28 - NEW OS - TLB
29 - New OS - Virtual Memory
30 - New OS - FIFO, LRU, Optimal
31 - New OS - Page Fault Rates Numericals
32 - New OS - Segmentation
33 - New OS - File Management
34 - New OS - File System, MBR
35 - New OS - Sector, Track, Seek Time etc
36 - New OS - Disk Management Algo
37 - New OS - Weekly Test Discussion
15 - Critical Section Problem and Binary Semaphore
16 - Counting Semaphore
17 - Deadlock in Operating System
21- Fixed size partitioning
22 - Address Translation
23 - Paging in OS
24 - Calculate Memory Space
25 - Page Repalcement Algo
26 Calculate the head movements in os
27 - fork(), wait() and exit() system call in Operating System
17 - Unix, Linux and MS-DOS
1 - Introduction to DOS, Unix and Linux
2 - CD, MD, LS, MKDIR, DIR Commands
3 - DIR command in DOS with options
4 - Copy Con, touch, cat, md, rd, rmdir, tree commands
5 - How to create, compile and run C program in Linux
6 - Vi Editor, Attrib, net user and diskpart commands
7 - Unix Process, jobs, fg, bg, kill, echo
8 - wild card char, ls, chmod command in Linux
18- Web Development (HTML, CSS, JS, XML, Bootstrap)
1 - Web, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0
2 - Web Designing - Browser Setting
3 - Web Designing - Add-ons, Plug-ins and Categories of Tags
4 - Web Designing - Heading and Font Tags
5 - Web Designing - Formatting and Phrase Tags
6 - Web Designing - Anchor Tag
7 - Web Designing - List in HTML
8 - Web Designing - Table, HR, Comments in HTML
9 - Web Designing Form in HTML
10 - Introduction to CSS
11 - CSS Selector
12 - CSS Simple Selector, Form Fieldset and Legend
13 - Favicon, Div, Span
14 - Web Design - Frameset, Frame, Iframe, Menu Bar
15 - Web Design - Image Map, Marquee, Audio, Video
16 - Web Design - bdo, bdi, aside etc
17 - Web Design - CSS Background, Border, Combinators
18-Web Design- Text Formatting
19 - Web Design - Pseudo Selectors
20 - Web Design - Attribute Selector
21 - Web Design - Position, float, z-index
22 - Web Designing - Animation
23 - Java Script - 1
24 - Java Script - 2
25 - Java Script - 3
26 - Java Script - 4
27 - Java Script - 5
28 - Java Script - 6
29 - Java Script Array - 7
30 - Java Script Array - 8
31 - Java Script RegExp - 9
32 - Java Script Screen - 10
33 - Java Script BOM - 11
34 - Java Script Events - 12
35 - Entities, Fa fa Icons, Bootstrap
36 - Bootstrap MCQ - Introduction to Bootstrap
37 - XML - 1
38 - XML - 2
39 - XML - 3
40 - XML - 4
41 - XML - 5
7 - Loops in VBScript, function and sub procedure, array
19 - VBScript, VB, ASP.NET(Visual Basic) and PHP
1 - VBScript Introduction
2 - VBScript
3 - VBScript
4 - VBScript Loops
5 - VBScript Array
6 - VBScript Procedure
7 - VBScript String
1-ASP and VB NET
2-ASP and VB NET
20 - PDF Notes (Crash)
1 - AI, ML, NLP
2 - Immersive Experience
3 - Cloud Computing and Cloud Services
4 - IoT Assignment
5 - Digital Footprints, net etiquettes, IPR
6 - Copyright Infringement, Licensing Software
7 - Malware, Viruses, Trojans, Adware
8 - Phishing, Pharming, Sniffing, Eavesdropping, Bots etc
21 - Multimedia
Preview - NVS PGT CS, UP-LT CS
Discuss (