Live Class
10 March Live Class @ 09:00 pm
1 - New - Computer Introduction
Computer Fundamentals Notes
Class 2 - Keyboard Notes
2 - New - Keyboard layout and types
Class 3 - Mouse Notes
3 - New - Mouse Types, PS2, USB
4 - New - Processing Devices
Class 4 - Input Devices Notes
Class 5 - Storage Devices Notes
5 - New - Primary Storage Device
6 - New - Bihar Board Paper Discussion
7 - New - Secondary Storage Device
Class 7 - Secondary Storage Devices Notes
8 - New - Output Devices, Printer
Class 8 - Output Devices Notes
Class 9 - Output Devices -1 Notes
10 - New - History of Computer
Class 10 - History of Computer Notes
11 - New - Types of computer
Class 11 - Types of computer Notes
12 - New - Introduction to Software
Class 12 - Software Notes
13 - New - Types of Software
Class 13 - Types of Software Notes
14 - Peripheral Devices
Class 14-Peripheral Devices Notes
15 - Algorithms and It's Approach
Class 15-Algorithm Notes
16 - Flowchart and its symbols
Class 16 - Flowchart Notes
17 - New - Introduction to Unix and Linux OS
18 - MS - DOS Commands - 1
19 - MS DOS Commands - 2
20 - Number System Class - 1 (Weighted And Unweighted Code, Binary Tricks)
21 - Number System Class 2 (Conversion and BCD Code)
23 - Number System Class 3 (Missing Base and Terms, Gray Code)
24 - Excess -3 Code and Complements of code
25 - Find Missing Base
26 - Find Missing Terms
27 - Negative Number Representation
1 - Introduction To MS - Office And MS - Word
2 - General Computer - MS Word Formatting Options
3 - General Computer - MS-Word Office Button, Bullet and Numbering
4 - Style, Find and Replace in MS Word
5 - Table, Picture, Clip Art and Shape in MS-Word
6 - Smart Art, Chart and Header and Footer in MS - Word
7 - Insert and Page Layout Tab in MS - Word
8 - Reference, Mailing and View Tab in MS - Word
1 - Introduction to Excel
2 - Relative and absolute addresses in ms excel
3 - How to Generate Random Data in Excel
4 - Countif in Excel
5 - Logical Formulae in Excel
6 - Excel Overview
7 - Text Formula in Excel
8 - MS Access Query and Macro
1 - Working with Internet
2 - Use of Internet
3 - History of Internet
2 - Use of Internet (New Upcoming)
3 - Search Engine (New Upcoming)
4 - E - Mail (New Upcoming)
5 - E - Commerce (New Upcoming)
6 - E - Banking and E - Learning (New Upcoming)
1- Encryption And Its Types
2 - Practice Problem on Encryption
3 - RSA Algorithm And Transmission Impairment
4 - Cyber Security (Malware And Virus)
5 - Cyber Security, Worms, Trojan Horse, Spam etc.
6 - List Of Virus, Antivirus, Cyber Attack, Identity Theft, Hackers, Crackers Etc
7 - Cyber Scams, Biometrics, Crowdsourcing
8 - Net Neutrality, Botnet, Web Beacons And Mobile Communication
1 - Intro to HTML
2 - Attributes of Elements
3 - Table, List Frame From
4 - Intro to CSS
5 - Intro to Java Script
6 - Intro to XML
7 - Loops in VBScript, function and sub procedure, array
8 - Application Software
9 - Computer Controlled Devices
10 - Artificial Intelligence
11 - Mobile Computing
12 - Green Computing
13 - Introduction to Operating System
14 - Windows
15 - Unix
16 - Linux
17 - E-Commerce Application
1 - Boolean Operators (New Upcoming)
2 - Truth Tables (New Upcoming)
3 - Closure Property
4 - Laws of Boolean Algebra
5 - SOP and POS
6 - Karnaugh Map (K - Map)
7 - Application of Boolean Logic
8 DE Booth Algorithm
9 DE Boolean Algebra Part 1
10 DE Digital Electronics Simplification of Boolean Expression
11 DE Canonical Form of Boolean Expression
12 DE Dual, Self Dual and Complement of a Boolean Expression
13 - DE K - MAP
14 - Implicants in K-Map and Logic Families
7 - DBMS
1 - Introduction to DBMS
DBMS Notes
2 - Data Organisation (New Upcoming)
3 - File Management System (New Upcoming)
4 - Database Concepts (New Upcoming)
5 - Relational Data Model (New Upcoming)
6 - Basic Concept of Database (New Upcoming)
7 - Popular Database Management System (New Upcoming)
8 - Fox Pro with SQL (New Upcoming)
9 - Oracle with SQL (New Upcoming)
10 - MySql with SQL (New Upcoming)
1 - DBMS - Introduction to DBMS and Functional Dependency (राजस्थान कंप्यूटर अनुदेशक - Class 1)
2 - DBMS (Closure Set of Attributes, Super Key, Candidates Keys and Primary Key)
3 - DBMS ( How to Find the Candidate Keys of a Relation)
4 - Normal Form (1 NF, 2 NF, 3 NF, BCNF)
5 - Normalization Qus and 4 NF
6 - Lossless and Lossy Decomposition in DBMS
7 - Transaction State and Transaction Properties
8 - Schedules in DBMS
9 - Conflict and View Serializability Practice Questions
10 - Concurrency Problems and Non-Serializable Schedule
11 - Recoverable Schedule and Concurrency Control Protocols
12 - Timestamp and Validation Based Protocols, Primary Indexing
13 - Indexing Numerical, Secondary, Clustering and Multiple Indexing
14 - Database Terminology - Instance and Schema
15 - Database Model - Hierarchical, Network, Relational, E-R Model
16 - DBMS (E-R Diagram Components And Relationship)
17 - Converting E-R Diagram into Tables
18 - Introduction To Relational Algebra Operators
19 - Union, Intersection, Minus, Rename, Division Operators of Relational Algebra
20 - Relational Calculus And It's Type
21 - Introduction to SQL - DML, DDL, DQL, TCL, DCL, Data Types etc
22 - SQL Queries - select, insert where, delete, drop, truncate, update etc.
23 - SQL Queries - in , between, or , and, not etc
24 - SQL limit, like, aggregate function
25 - SQL Group by, Having, Subquery and String Function
26 - Numeric function in SQL
27 - SQL Constraints - NOT NULL, Unique, primary key, default, check
28 - SQL Join (Natural Join, Inner Join, Equi Join, Outer Join, Semi Join, Anti Join)
29 - SQL Constraints - Foreign Key, on update cascade, on delete cascade, super key
30 - Backup and Restore MySql Database, Create table from another table
31 - Null function, show user details, auto increment and view
32 - case, date and time function in sql, database transaction
33 - ACID Properties and State of transaction, create new user, change password, grant, revoke
34-Transaction in MySql - TCL
35 - Practice (MCQ, T_F and Fill in the blanks) of MySql, Level of Abstraction and Schema
36 - Data Warehouse, OLAP, OLTP, Data Mining and Data Mart
37 - OLTP Vs OLAP, Data WareHouse
8 - Data Structure
1 - Introduction to Data Structure
2 - One Dimensional Array
3 - Two Dimensional Array
4 - Address Calculation of 1 D Array
5 - Address Calculation of 2 D Array
6 - Introduction to Stack
7 - Operations on Stack
8 - Polish Notation
9 - Polish Notation using Stack
10 - Introduction to Queue
11 - Types of Queue
1 - New DS - Introduction to DS and Algorithm
2 - New DS - Types of Algorithms
2.1 - Types of Algo PDF
3 - New DS - Types of Algo Part 2
3.1 - Types of Algo PDF
4 - New DS - Asymptotic Notation
5 - New DS - Asymptotic notation part 2
6.1 - DS New - Master Theorem Assignment
6 - New DS - Recurrence Function - Master Theorem
7 - DS New - Linear and Binary Search
8 - New DS - Introduction to Sorting Algo, Bubble Sort
09 April DS Class @ 08:15 PM
10 - New DS - Radix, Bucket and Counting Sort
11 - New DS - Selection and Insertion Sort
12 - New DS - Merge Sort
13 - New DS - Address Calculation in Array
13.1 - Array Address Calculation Questions PDF
14 - New DS - Linked List
15 - New DS - Types of Linked List
16.1 - Reverse a singly linked list
16.2 - Linked List Practice Problems (1)
16.3 - Linked List MCQ
17 - New DS - Introduction to Stack
18 - New DS - Polish Notation in Stack
18.1 - Polish Notation in Stack
19 - New DS - Introduction to Queue
20 - New DS - Types of Queue
DS 1 Introduction to DS
DS 2 Address Calculation in Array
DS 3 Heap & Tree
DS 4 Binary Tree and Its Types - Data Structure
DS 5 Graph & Spanning Tree
DS 6 Selection Sort
DS 7 MST Shortest Path
DS 8 String Matching Eulerian Graph
DS 9 Hashing
DS 10 Rehashing and degree of graph
DS 11 Pre, In and Post Order
DS 12 Asymptotic Notation
13 - DS Asymptotic Notation Part 2
14 - Row Major and Column Major Array Address
15 - Stack and Polish Notation
16 - Queue in DS
1 - Networking Fundamentals (Types of Network, Network Topology, LAN, MAN, WAN)
2 - Network Devices
3 - Bandwidth, Bit Rate, Baud Rate, Switching, Email, URL, Domain
4 - Networking case study based questions
5 - Networking Practice Qus
6 - Digital Footprint, IPR, Netiquette and Cyber Crime
7 - Risk Assessment (New Upcoming)
8 - Security Measures (New Upcoming)
9 - Security Issues (New Upcoming)
1 - Introduction And Type Of Network
2 - WWW, ISP, URL, DNS Tec.
3 - Server And Topology
4 - Network Model
5 - OSI Model Layers
6 - Application And Presentation Layer Protocol
7 - Protocols and MAC Address
8 - Network Device (Repeater, Hub, Bridge, Switch, Router)
9 - Modem, AM, FM, PM
10 - RJ-11, RJ-45, Twisted Pair And Coaxial Cable
11 - Fiber Optics, Unguided Media (Radio Wave, Microwave, Infrared)
12 - ALOHA
13 - ALOHA (Pure And Slotted Aloha Questions)
14 - CSMA_CD And Multiplexing
15 - Reservation, Token Passing, Polling, ARQ
16 - ARQ And Hamming Code
17 - Hamming Weight, Hamming Distance, Hamming Rate
18 - Error Detection Techniques
19 - CRC, Bit Rate, Baud Rate
20 - Bit Rate, Baud Rate Questions, Nyquist And Shannon Theorem
21 - IP4, Range, Host ID, Network ID
22 - Subnet Mask, CIDR
23 - Subnet, Broadcast, Host ID Questions
24 - What is IPv6 & its Notation
25 - Switching Technology
26 - X.25, Frame Relay, STP, RSTP
27 - Token Ring
28 - Mobile Computing
UP Police CO 2013
UP CO 2013 with ans
UP Police CO 2013 Answer Keys
UP Police Programmer 2013
UP Police CO 2017 Set 2
14 - Digital -1
14 - Digital -2
14 - Digital -3
14 - Digital -4
9 - Data Structure
10-Web Design
21 - Emerging Trends
1-General Computer
2-Business Computing
11 - Test Series
Test - 01 (Quiz)
UP-CO - PYQ Test
2 - UP-CO - PYQ
3 - UP-CO - PYQ
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